Sunday, 24 July 2011

New laptop.

Hey guys! I'm back with a new laptop. Well, not new, but an old one my family has lying around. However, I have to have it plugged into the router because we downloaded XP onto it again, so...... I'll write more words for your enjoyment tomorrow. Bye!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Creature Comforts.

Hello there. Alright, so I had some friends round today, and we all went to the park. We played for a while then we got bored and decided to leave. On the way back we went to Morrison's (Which is right across the street from my house.) and we bought some: Neopolitian ice cream, some cones, a pack of Mickey Mouse chocolate lollies and they bought a pack of Thorton's Chocolate Trio lollies. So we got home, had some of the ice cream, and then we watched a DVD which they had brought with them, which is a show called Creature Comforts. Now, Creature Comforts is a TV show which was made 3 or 4 years ago by Aardman Studios. Now if you don't know what Aardman Studios is, then you don't know brilliant films and shows like Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run. Because Aardman Studios made those. So anyway, Creature Comforts is about the good old British Public being interviewed by Nick Park about their views on things. Now, once they have been interviewed, the animators at Aardman Studios get hard at work, making animations to go with the voices. Now, the animals that they are matched to are hilarious, and I know love the show. But if I'm being honest, this whole thing makes me wonder, what do these people look like in real life. The other thing is why did they stop the show? So yeah, anyway. I'll post again tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, my laptop hasn't been sent out to be fixed yet. Bye!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

My laptop........ IS DEAD!

Hello there! I'm writing this on my mum's computer becuase yesterday, 4 hours after I posted, my laptop died. I was about to turn off my laptoop because I was going out, and my laptop turned off on its own. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and I came back ten minutes later and my laptop would not turn on! So I came downstairs, frustrated and upset, and asked my mum to plug her laptop charger into my laptop, and it still wouldn't turn on. so my mum and I switched batteries, and it still wouldn't turn on. The interesting thing, is that whenever I would plug a charger into my laptop, the charger light on the charger to show it was plugged in would immediately switch off! And when I would plug in the charger already plugged into my laptop, the light would flicker on for a second then turn off again. This is reminding me of the incident I told you guys about a few months ago when my iPod wouldn't turn on. I'm having my laptop sent out to get fixed, so hopefully my laptop AND my DS (Which is away currently getting fixed) will both return to me soon. Ah well. Like I said, hopefully I'll get it back soon. Till tomorrow guys.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN!! HOORAY!! But seriously guys. How are you all? I have been playing countless games of Spider Solitare, Ping Pong, and others. I was on my radio show last week on Monday and it was the first time that I did the technical stuff, and my friend was there with me, (it was her first time) and when we came out of the practice studio and went on the air, the first 3 songs we put on, I forgot to put the microphones down, so when the first three songs played, my friend had to reach over and put them down. But I remembered to put them down when on the third song I started singing along and everyone listening heard me. My radio show is The This And That Show on Allfm 96.9 (If you live in England.) Well, anyways, I'll post tomorrow. See ya!