Sunday, 20 November 2011

Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors!

Hello! I haven't blogged for a few days as I have been at my friend Ruby's house. On Thursday the two of us went into town, and we stopped by at an awesome art gallery and a music college to go see a lunch time performance. It was absolutely amazing! So, after we got back, we went to Ruby's drama group, which was putting on a performance of Little Shop of Horrors. I watched the dress rehearsal. It's an amazing play (I like to say the word amazing ;P) and I loved watching it. Then on Friday Ruby and I went to our other drama group, and continued work on Alice in Wonderland. But ours is called Alex in Wonderland. (Long story) Then we went back to Ruby's, and chilled for a few hours. At around 5:30 we both took off to the arts centre near her and I helped set up for the opening night of the play. After watching the play, we both went home, and I collapsed in bed :P Then on Saturday my mum came and picked me up, then I got ready for dancing and went. And that is pretty much what I have been doing over the past few days. Well, till tomorrow.

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