Thursday 29 December 2011

Christmas was awesome.

Hey! So my Christmas was awesome! How was yours? (I don't really want to get into what I got for presents. When I talk about stuff like that I feel like I'm bragging.) So yeah. I watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special, and the Outnumbered one. It was quite cool. So now it's almost NEW YEARS EVE! WOOO! I'm going to Blackpool because my family does it almost every year. I'm looking forward to it. Do any of you guys have any new years plans? I have to go for ma dinner now guys. Bye!

Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve :)

So today is Christmas Eve, the time of year where everyone is excited and the passing of gifts happens. I'm do excited :) I know this is a really short post, but sorry!

Thursday 22 December 2011

3 days.

So. IT'S 3 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! YAY! I'm looking forward to it so much. I love Christmas. There's this greet me and my mum and sister drive past almost everyday, and in the month of December, it's completely filled with Christmas lights. (I'm serious. I think they're having a competition of who can have the most awesome Christmas lights.) For ages we've been doing it. Even though we've moved and we aren't so close to it, we still go drive down it a lot. I love doing it. It always looks amazing. Today my mum and I are bringing our tree in. Then we'll decorate it. (My dad got it yesterday an stuck it in the back garden. It's also kid of a tradition to buy and put up our trees late. I always say @But what of there isn't one left." but they always ignore me :P)Well anyway, I think that ends this post. oh I forgot to log on and say happy Forever Day on the 18th. Happy late Forever Day! Bye guys! x

Saturday 17 December 2011


Hi guys! How are you? How am I? I'm fine thanks for asking. (Though, you didn't actually ask.) well, yesterday, I did my drama performance. I don't know if I said this, but we were doing Alice in Wonderland. It went really well! I'm pleased with how it went. Well yeah, I just wanted to update to say I'm not abandoning this blog.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Rainy day blues.

So today is a really rainy day. It sucks. :P my mum was out walking and someone in their car splashed her. She was pretty angry. So today I vow to NEVER splash people while I'm in a car. So yeah. Thats pretty much it. Also, I got this kit to make a doll, and I made it, but unfortunately it kinda look rubbish. But yeah, that's it.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors!

Hello! I haven't blogged for a few days as I have been at my friend Ruby's house. On Thursday the two of us went into town, and we stopped by at an awesome art gallery and a music college to go see a lunch time performance. It was absolutely amazing! So, after we got back, we went to Ruby's drama group, which was putting on a performance of Little Shop of Horrors. I watched the dress rehearsal. It's an amazing play (I like to say the word amazing ;P) and I loved watching it. Then on Friday Ruby and I went to our other drama group, and continued work on Alice in Wonderland. But ours is called Alex in Wonderland. (Long story) Then we went back to Ruby's, and chilled for a few hours. At around 5:30 we both took off to the arts centre near her and I helped set up for the opening night of the play. After watching the play, we both went home, and I collapsed in bed :P Then on Saturday my mum came and picked me up, then I got ready for dancing and went. And that is pretty much what I have been doing over the past few days. Well, till tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Hello. I have a cold. My sister sneezed on me. So I'm sneezing. Ah well. I'm not sneezing as much as usual, which is good. Tomorrow I'm going to go out and see my friends, which should be good. I'm looking forward to it.By the way, I won't be posting for about three days. Maybe.

Friday 4 November 2011

Apple flavoured ice cubes

Hello! Today I went to my drama club. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, we're putting on our version of Alice on Wonderland, and I'm really looking forward to it, so anyway, afterwards I came home, made some lunch, then made some apple flavoured ice cubes. They're really nice. I'm having more now. I know it sounds weird, that's the way I am.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Halloween goings on.

Hello. So I figured I should talk about what I did for Halloween. I didn't go trick or treating like most people, but  I did go to a party and have a sleepover with a friend. So the party first. I went to my friend's Halloween party. It was awesome! We played the toilet paper mummy game, (Which I won, funnily enough.) and the donut hanging from a rope from a stick game. I was one of the first people to do it, and and got the whole donut, but I almost ate the ribbon it was hanging from. I took me a while to get the ribbon out without using my hands. Then afterwards, we all went back inside, and me and two other people sat down at the piano and played songs, which was fun, because everyone sang along. So it was generally quite a good Halloween party. Oh, and I dressed up as a vampire, in case you were wondering. So yeah, it was a fun day. And I promise I'll be back tomorrow. So, till then.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Even shorter post.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy, like usual. This will be another short post because I have a boring life. :P

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Short post.

Hey guys. This post won't be very long because a) I think I'm coming down with something and b) I haven't done anything remotely interesting since the last time I blogged. Sooooooooo

Sunday 2 October 2011

The oldest question in the universe.

Hello there! I'm sorry I didn't blog in a while, but I've been busy. So I just finished catching up on Doctor Who. The last episode was brilliant. I loved it. Before I watched, I sat at the dinner table thinking up what it could be. My mum suggested 'What the hell happened?' but as all Doctor Who fans now know, that was not it. So anyway, I guess that's it for this blog post. It's short, but I truly cannot think of anything to say right now. So, I leave you with the question.
Doctor who?

Monday 26 September 2011

Weird moments.

Isn't it weird how sometimes you see something on TV and then that ends up happening to you in real life? A few years ago, my dad came home from work one day, and he was laughing and he said to my mum "I have just had a Little Britain moment!" and then he goes to tell the story. He said he walked into a shop to buy more ink for our printer, so he said to the shop keeper "Do you sell ink cartridges for a Dell (ibsert print number here(I don't remember the printer number as we have a new one now))?" and the guy behind the counter says "One moment, let me just check." and he turns around then yells "Andrew! Andrew! Do we sell ink cartridges for a Dell (insert number) printer?" and a guy deeper inside the shop yells back "No!" and so the guy behind the counter turns round and says to my dad "Andrew said no." and so my dad says thanks for asking then leaves the shop then starts laughing once he is round the corner. My mum then starts laughing, but I don't get it, because at the time I'm to young to watch Little Britain. Then a few years later my mum shows me Little Britain for the first time, and then, I get the joke. My mum asks me what I'm laughing at then I remind her of the story, and we both laugh. For those of you who haven't seen Little Britain, there is a sketch when David Walliams walks into a shop, and asks for something. Then Matt Lucas yells "Margerie! Do we have (insert thing here)?" and then Margerie yells back "No we don't!" and then suggests a place where the customer can buy the item. Now I know it's weird bringing this up now, but I was reminded of this by me and my mum having another TV moment quite recently. Well anyway, that is enough from me today. BYE!

Sunday 25 September 2011


Yay! I'm back into the swing of things now! So yeah, I'm going to be blogging daily again. So. Today, ummm I didn't do much. But I am waiting for tomorrow, because a show I like is on! It's called Bones, and those of you who are a bit squeamish, probably shouldn't watch it. But anyway. I have nothing more to say. Bye.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Hello there.

Hi! I'm sorry I keep saying I'll post regularly but then I don't. I'll make an effort this time. So I am currently listening to music and waitng for Doctor Who to end so I can watch it back on iPlayer because I missed the beginning and I haven't yet watched last weeks episode. I am doing so well in my goal this time. You see, in previous years I have failed to watch every single episode in each season of Doctor Who. I really want to keep on going with this goal. Well, anyway, news. Yesterday my mum and I were building me and my sister bookshelves. I helped a lot with mine. I did all the nail hammering on mine and some of the screwing in as well as putting the shelves and shelf pegs in. I went through some boxes and emptied them of all my books. My mum is thinking of getting me another one, but this one I will put together all on my room. And today I went out to a fun day. And guess what. It was fun! ;) Well anyway, I'm gonna go now. 


Saturday 17 September 2011

Sorry interwebs.

Hello there people who are reading this! I'm really sorry for my long absence. I've just been really busy with things. For instance I have a dance exam tomorrow and I have spent a lot of time practicing for that. I am also entering a starter competition next month, so I've been practicing for that too. And as usual dealing with the ups and downs of my life in funny ways. So let's catch up. Last time on whatever this is I have decided to do, I told you about how I was going to my Ruby's birthday party. Well, I can now reveal that I made her a wool T.A.R.D.I.S for her present. She absolutely loved it! Which I was really glad about, because it took me ages to make (May post pictures soon.) But yeah, we had a really fun celebration in her house with loads of other people. After we had cake, all the kids went to the park down the street from her house, where the happy fun times began! Well, like I said, I had a load of fun, I met quite a few new people, and it was a good laugh. So after that I did my practicing, and I learnt some new songs to play on the piano (The full of Mr Brightside by The Killers and the beginning of Love Song by Sara Bareilles) and then my drama club started again. Ah yes, drama. So this term we are going to do our own rendition of Alice in Wonderland, which I am highly looking forward to, because it should be good :) and after that I went to a park with some friends then it was time for a sleepover at Ruby's which was, as usual, very fun. Then this Thursday my mum and I started to put together the desk that we bought for me. We almost finished it in 3 and a half hours, which I think is quite good. Then yesterday, was another day of drama and we got split off into groups to groups and we started to make changes to the scenes, which was fun. Then I went home and sat on the sofa for the rest of the day. And today I went to dance class, learned a few new things, and now I'm freaking out, because like I said, tomorrow is the exam, and I'm really worried I'm gonna fail. Well, anyway, that's ends this blog post. Thank you for reading. BAI!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Birthday happiness.

Hey there guys! I still haven't gone to the party yet as it is not time yet. Though that is kind of obvious. So anyway, how are you guys doing? And by the way, I haven't really explained my absence. You see, I went across the British channel in an aeroplane to Germany to visit my grandparents. After my plane arrived I found my grandpa and cousin and we jumped on the train and we jumped on the train to see my auntie for a few hours then we went to Austria, where my grandparents live. So yeah, that is why I didn't post on here for a while. Well, I have a few hours to kill till it's party time, and I'm not gonna kill it sitting here thinking of new things to say to you guys. So, ciao!

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Hey guys. I don't have much news. Just that Today hasn't been very eventful. The most everntful thing that happened was I went to a posh swimming pool and almost fainted in the steam room. Well, I guess that is news. I'll have lots more news for you tomorrow because I am going to my friend Ruby's birthday party. It's gonna be a water fight. Well, I hope the weather is right. See you tomorrow guys! Or the day after. Bye!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Doctor Who!

Hello there people who happen to read this! I'm excited today because the last epsiode of Doctor Who was extremely epic. For those of you who saw it, please leave a comment and tell me what you thought. For those of you who didn't and are about to watch it, well, watch it now and don't look at the comments! And for those of you who don't like Doctor Who, well, I apologise. I'll try to make the next blog entry and non related to Doctor Who as possible. In other news, on my way home from my friends house who I went to to watch the episode, I ended up getting attacked by a tree.


Sunday 24 July 2011

New laptop.

Hey guys! I'm back with a new laptop. Well, not new, but an old one my family has lying around. However, I have to have it plugged into the router because we downloaded XP onto it again, so...... I'll write more words for your enjoyment tomorrow. Bye!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Creature Comforts.

Hello there. Alright, so I had some friends round today, and we all went to the park. We played for a while then we got bored and decided to leave. On the way back we went to Morrison's (Which is right across the street from my house.) and we bought some: Neopolitian ice cream, some cones, a pack of Mickey Mouse chocolate lollies and they bought a pack of Thorton's Chocolate Trio lollies. So we got home, had some of the ice cream, and then we watched a DVD which they had brought with them, which is a show called Creature Comforts. Now, Creature Comforts is a TV show which was made 3 or 4 years ago by Aardman Studios. Now if you don't know what Aardman Studios is, then you don't know brilliant films and shows like Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run. Because Aardman Studios made those. So anyway, Creature Comforts is about the good old British Public being interviewed by Nick Park about their views on things. Now, once they have been interviewed, the animators at Aardman Studios get hard at work, making animations to go with the voices. Now, the animals that they are matched to are hilarious, and I know love the show. But if I'm being honest, this whole thing makes me wonder, what do these people look like in real life. The other thing is why did they stop the show? So yeah, anyway. I'll post again tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, my laptop hasn't been sent out to be fixed yet. Bye!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

My laptop........ IS DEAD!

Hello there! I'm writing this on my mum's computer becuase yesterday, 4 hours after I posted, my laptop died. I was about to turn off my laptoop because I was going out, and my laptop turned off on its own. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and I came back ten minutes later and my laptop would not turn on! So I came downstairs, frustrated and upset, and asked my mum to plug her laptop charger into my laptop, and it still wouldn't turn on. so my mum and I switched batteries, and it still wouldn't turn on. The interesting thing, is that whenever I would plug a charger into my laptop, the charger light on the charger to show it was plugged in would immediately switch off! And when I would plug in the charger already plugged into my laptop, the light would flicker on for a second then turn off again. This is reminding me of the incident I told you guys about a few months ago when my iPod wouldn't turn on. I'm having my laptop sent out to get fixed, so hopefully my laptop AND my DS (Which is away currently getting fixed) will both return to me soon. Ah well. Like I said, hopefully I'll get it back soon. Till tomorrow guys.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN!! HOORAY!! But seriously guys. How are you all? I have been playing countless games of Spider Solitare, Ping Pong, and others. I was on my radio show last week on Monday and it was the first time that I did the technical stuff, and my friend was there with me, (it was her first time) and when we came out of the practice studio and went on the air, the first 3 songs we put on, I forgot to put the microphones down, so when the first three songs played, my friend had to reach over and put them down. But I remembered to put them down when on the third song I started singing along and everyone listening heard me. My radio show is The This And That Show on Allfm 96.9 (If you live in England.) Well, anyways, I'll post tomorrow. See ya!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Locked out twice.

Hey guys! I'm at a friends house who has Internet, so I'm taking advantage of it. So you have seen the title, and it's true. I've been locked out if my new house twice. The first time I had keys, but couldn't open the door, the second time I didn't have the keys. Well, I have to go. I'll update soon. Bye!

Saturday 18 June 2011


Ok, so I've just woken up and its mmoving day. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! But don't worry. My absence from the blog won't be as long as last time. I'll just write daily updates on paper then put them all in the next blog post I make. Bye Guys!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Mum, stickers, and old time radio!

Hello there! It's 6 o'clock in the afternoon/evening and I'm only JUST doing my blog entry. (Sorry!) Today has been a busy day, filled with packing, and me, lounging around listening to a radio station that plays songs from the 30's and 40's. (Ok, so I haven't THAT busy, but I have been doing research which is important! Ok, so it was about TV shows, but getting back to the entry.) So today hasn't been the most PRODUCTIVE of days, but the fact we're moving on Saturday kinda makes me want to slag off all the packing. (Procrastination at its best. Or worse.) But that just goes to show that I am not that different from anyone else.  My pre frontal cortex is weaker than my limbic system. Just like everyone else. But I do something today at least. When I was making pasta for me and my mum to eat, I found a sticker on the bottom of the pan. I took it off and tossed on the counter. (Yes, I'm REALLY helping the move come along quickly!) And for those who are interested, my fingers do infact still hurt from yesterday. Well, I have to get back to procrastinating. Bye! Oh! And by the way, I found a REALLY funny video for all you people who are Sherlock fans like me. It's called Sherlock: The Musical. Here it is:
Bye for real guys.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Theme songs and general madness.

Hello there! This first I think will personally sound a bit boring. I went swimming today and it was really fun. (Boring) but when I got home I went straight on my laptop.(Start of exciting part) After about 5 minutes, I turned it off then went upstairs to continued with my ukulele & guitar practicing. You see, I'm trying to teach my self the ukulele. So, I went up to my room (Which is so filled with boxes I can't sleep in it anymore) made my way through the obstacle course of boxes towards my chair, ukulele and ukulele guitar. (Yes, a ukulele guitar. I may be really tall now, but I was quite small at age five, so I had to get a ukulele guitar. It used to be the right size, but now it's just to big. I still use it, because the strings are helping to toughen up my fingers. Althought they hurt a lot right now.) I tossed off my cardigan, opened the window, plonked myself down on a chair, and started to tune both my instruments with the tuner. I opened up my chord book app, and started to play. Terribly, I might add, but at least my fingers were on the right strings. So after about an hour of hurting my fingers, (and the ears of cats everywhere). After that I went downstairs and asked my mum "Did you get the mail redirected?" to which she replied "OH MY GOODNESS! I STILL NEED TO GET THAT DONE!!" and she opened up a new tab on her computer and opened up the royal mail website. Thankfully, you have to give 5 days notice, which is the amount of time we have till we move, and she was able to do it online, so she filled it in, and was calm. After the whole ordeal was over, she turned to me and said, "Thank you Leira!" to which I gave her a high five and a smile. After a few seconds I started up a new conversation. I started up another"Yeah, I was looking at stuff on Amazon, and I remembered." "Oh what were you looking at?" "The Sherlock DVD. Can I get it once we move?" "How much is it?" "£6.85" "How many DVD's?" "2. But each episode is 1 hour & 1/2. And plus there's the commentary." "Yes. We can get it after the move." "YES!" and thats pretty much where it ended. I know, I know, boring conversation, but still. So afterwards I came upstairs and went on mylaptop and started to write this blog entry. When I was writing about the mail redirecting, my mum came upstairs, as we had just recieved the post, and handed me and envelope with Hancock in it. Now, for those of you who don't know what Hancock is, its and absoloutley hilarious Will Smith film. I think it came out in 2008, and I watched it at friends house, and then asked my mum to order it. Then my mum brought me up a banana box and asked me to start packing up all the stuff I had brought down to the guest bedroom that I wasn't going to need for the next few nights. And there you have it. The story of today. So currently I'm watching Hancock, packing a little then watching more Hancock. I have to get back to packing now. Bye guys! Oh! And about the theme songs part. When I went on my laptop earlier, I got the theme songs for Sherlock and Doctor Who and played them a lot because I'm trying to figure out both of these on the guitar and (possibly) ukulele. Well, bye for real guys!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Moving Madness!

Alright, I need your help followers. In my last post (which I'm ashamed to say was 5 minutes ago. Approximatley.) I'm slightly freaking out. I still have SOOO much stuff to pack! I'm sitting here in my hot and sticky room, with the window open, asking you guys, what do you do for box packing motivation? Assuming you've all moved at least once in your life. Soooooooo, why are your tips? Please tell me in the vooments. Well, I have a lot of reading and listening to the radio to do. Bye. Again. For the last time today. Hopefully. BYE!


Sorry guys. I haven't posted in a LONG time. Well, I'm moving on Saturday, so my house is chaos. Although, that isn't really an excuse for the last few months, well, I'm sorry to say, I forgot about my blog. Yeah. I know. Well anyway, updates, ummmmm, well, I did my radio show a few weeks ago. Its called 'The This And That Show.' 96.9 allfm. This post is gonna be kinda short. It's because I'm eating. I'll try and update regularly soon. Bye!

Thursday 10 March 2011

GAH!! Solved!!

Hey guys!! I bet your thinking '2 blogs in 1 day? Doesn't she have anything better to do?" And to answer your question, yes, I have nothing better to do. Although, I just wanted to do this quick blog today to say that I solved my iPod problem using this website: if you ever have a problem like I did, I highly reccommend using this site because it helped me a lot. Well, KTHXBAI!!

Today's Joke: (Which I (FAIL TO ME) forgot to put in the other post)

A family of tomatoes were out on a walk and the baby tomato was lagging behind, so the dad stopped, hit the baby tomato (who turned into a tomato-y mess) and yelled "KETCHUP!"


Do you ever have that thing where your really annoyed because something happened, and that moment when the good thing happens? That's what I'm waiting for now. You see, a few minutes ago, I was watching Charlieissocoollike's Comic Relief Video on my iPod. Now, shortly after, I left my iPod alone for a bit and the screen went black, hinting that it had gone into lock mode. I then tried to unlock it a few seconds later, but it wouldn't go onto the lock screen. The screen stayed black. I thought that maybe it had turned off, (Which is impossible, because it was on a full charge) and I came to my laptop and plugged it in. It still won't turn on. Now I am slightly freaking out. Does anyone know how to fix this problem??

Wednesday 9 March 2011


I apologise for not updating in two days, but I have good reason. I had a sleepover yesterday and the day before, so I was busy keeping my friend occupied and making funny videos about me falling over while setting up the bed and me pretending to be a ghost rapper. So that is why I haven't been blogging. Also I had a radio show on Monday and I was busy preparing for it. I have to go swimming today, so I will update tomorrow as usual.

Today's joke:
Knock Knock

Who's there?


Doctor Who?

How did you know the answer?!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Dancing all day long.

Hola!! (Didn't expect me to say hi in a different language did ya?) I'm updating my blog today in between dance lessons. You see, sat the moment, I take: Tap & Modern, Ballroom & Latin, and Ballet, (Although, I'm quitting the ballet at the end of the term) and I'm really quite good at it. Ok, I know at the moment, the name of the blog is kind of misleading, but I'm working on it. Which is why, I have decided each day to include a joke/prank video. Yikes! I have to get ready for Latin and Ballroom!!

Today's joke:
What do you get when you cross a sheep with a radiator?

Central Bleating.

Friday 4 March 2011

An *Upchuck* of News.

'Ello!! Today is just going to be a short post due to the fact I have to go somewhere.
Advice: NEVER (And I mea NEVER) laugh a lot after eating a giant amount of indian food. It will just end up down the side of your car. (In other words, last night was not fun!!) Take my advice. I was full when I left the restaurant, and I was slightly hungry when I got home :P

Thursday 3 March 2011


'Ello there!! Rockerchick591 here, better know as Leira. This is my blog where I can post photos and videos and what happens in my life, but you already know that. Well, here's some basic info on me:
I'm a Nerdfighter,
I'm gonna start VLogging on 25th Jan 2012,
I have a fun, bubbly personality,
andI love the following shows:
Doctor Who,
and Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Well, those are the basic and pointless facts about me I thought you might (but probably won't) be interested in.
Well, until tomorrow, BYE!!